
Is It Illegal To Put Fender Logos On A Squier

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Legalities of Fender Decals

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  • #i
Hi all, I take only taken upwards my new hobby which is putting Stratocasters together. I have been buying various necks and bodies repainting them and putting them together. My question is on what tin can one put a Fender Stratocaster decal ? Example I have a Squire ( I recollect) body that I have repainted and laquered it and I accept a Mitey Mite neck that I bought consummate with a Fender Stratocaster decal laquered onto it.

I also accept a Fender American Deluxe body and the neck of a Fender Jaguar, could I put a Fender Stratocaster decal onto this ?

Whatever advice would exist most welcome,

  • #2
Putting Fender decals on any aftermarket neck is illegal. There for its frowned upon.
  • #3
Information technology´s illegal in the Usa not in Scotland. Putting on decals and selling them subsequently is illegal in Scotland (and the rest of Europe).
I don´t call back it´s ok putting on decals to pretend it´southward a real Fender simply that´southward me(for the Squier).
These are your guitars and if you go on them anyway practise what you similar.
Welcome to the forum !


  • #4
Putting Fender decals on whatsoever aftermarket neck is illegal. There for its frowned upon

Yep... and if a Federal Agent is made aware of it, they can snatch your baby correct out of your hands and burn it right there on the spot....... simply.... In Scotland.... Home of the Nectar of the Gods... you're not likely to run into a Fed Narc with a warrant for your guitar are ya? ;)

Ron Kirn

  • #5
Hi thanks for all your replies, I merely read a thread further downwardly the forum dealing with a similar subject.

Similar scenario, I have a brand new body ready to be painted and finished in nitro and and a set up of Fender Vintage pickups to put information technology. I am now looking for a genuine Fender maple neck which volition obviously come with the decal on etc - Can I legally put that onto a non Fender body ?

  • #vi

Yep... and if a Federal Agent is fabricated aware of it, they tin can snatch your babe correct out of your hands and burn it right there on the spot....... but.... In Scotland.... Home of the Nectar of the Gods... you're not probable to meet a Fed Narc with a warrant for your guitar are ya? ;)

Ron Kirn

Really? My sometime guitar instructor had a squier and he put a fender logo on it
  • #7
Hi thanks for all your replies, I just read a thread farther down the forum dealing with a similar subject.

Similar scenario, I have a make new torso ready to be painted and finished in nitro and and a set up of Fender Vintage pickups to put it. I am now looking for a genuine Fender maple neck which will obviously come with the decal on etc - Tin can I legally put that onto a non Fender body ?

Yes, I don't see why non. Information technology'due south whats up to you and your tastes.
  • #8
Really? My old guitar instructor had a squier and he put a fender logo on it

I think Ron was existence sarcastic. I don't call up it's illegal, if you change the cervix on your Strat and replace it with an aftermarket to slap a Fender decal on it. However, if y'all sell information technology representing it as stock then information technology probably is. We've been over all of this before. You lot will be supporting a black marketplace in fake Fender decals if you lot purchase one though.
  • #9
I think I got the jist of what is appropriate / reccomended regarding Fender on a decal - my next question is : Is it the word Fender that is the upshot, or the word STRATOCASTER ? example could I put "Fendastic STRATOCASTER" or like on a decal and put that on ?
  • #10
Exercise what you want in your own home and it is a largely unnoticed fraud.. Put information technology up for sale and it is fraud! It doesn't affair what country you live in. More than important than that information technology says a lot more about you as a person. If you tin can't practise the time don't do the crime. There is no statue of limitations on fraud.
  • #xi
I call up I got the jist of what is advisable / reccomended regarding Fender on a decal - my side by side question is : Is information technology the give-and-take Fender that is the effect, or the word STRATOCASTER ? instance could I put "Fendastic STRATOCASTER" or like on a decal and put that on ?

I believe both are registered trademarks. There is a guy on this board, but I tin can't recollect his proper noun who makes practiced, custom decals. Maybe someone else tin can help with it. There are too some EBay stores that sell custom decals.
  • #13
Here's the deal with this... as long every bit information technology'south YOUR guitar FMIC, nor anyone else is gonna prosecute you lot... BUT the key give-and-take above is YOUR guitar.

The guitar will out alive y'all, or your interest in it... you're gonna die and someone will air current up with it, either via inheritance, or buying it out right, or you're gonna wanna sell information technology to take the "Jing" to buy whatever your new heart of interest may be. Lesser line it is no longer YOUR guitar. Yous are NO LONGER in control of full and honest disclosure. This is where it gets messy....

The chances of whoever sold, gave, or perpetuated a constructive receipt of the guitar after it has become no longer yours, are most certainly not going to know it is NOT a existent Fender. This could be because, few that put a Fender decal on a (something else) habitually get 'round broadcasting what they have done. Thus those that may vaguely be aware of what a Fender guitar is, but have no clue as to how to make up one's mind if information technology's a false, or even know fakes exist, will not be enlightened of the situation. If you aren't around to "articulate the air" they will assume it'south real… now… ane day they get tired of seeing the onetime guitar in a cupboard and decide to sell information technology…. Information technology moves on to someone else…. Does full disclosure follow, most certainly not.

Along comes some witting client… sees the guitar, knows vaguely what a Fender is, and plops down the bux and trots off happily, only to be rudely awaken when someone that DOES know guitars reveals the sad truth… OR some kid has been mowing lawns all Summer saving, hoping he can find the deal of a lifetime on Craig's list, plops down his bux and waddles dwelling with a gen-u-vino false just waiting for the truth to bust his cakes with reality, and YOU did that….

Ron Kirn

Orlando Mike
  • #14
two or 3 identical threads in the get-go fifty threads here is a bit much don't you think? There'southward a search feature on this site for a reason.
  • #15
Don't practise it. Let your guitar exist proud of who it is, don't endeavour to make it into something it'southward not.
  • #xvi
I personally recollect it'south totally fine. Every bit long equally when you sell it you lot make it crystal articulate from the get become that it'south not an American Fender and that you just put the logo on there. If I built a strat id definitely put a fender logo on it. If I'm not trying to rip somebody off what does it injure?? Looks like good advertisement for Fender to me.
louis cyfer
  • #17
I personally think it's totally fine. As long as when you sell it you lot brand it crystal clear from the become go that it's not an American Fender and that you just put the logo on at that place. If I built a strat id definitely put a fender logo on it. If I'chiliad non trying to rip somebody off what does it hurt?? Looks like skillful advertising for Fender to me.
what nigh the next guy not disclosing it and it gets sold to some unsuspecting chap. read ron'south post.
  • #18
Lets beat this dead horse some more....
  • #xx
Is there a not-subversive way to have off a fake that has been coated with lacquer? Mine says fender Custom which is but half a lie :) just I would rather it be blank if I could do it.
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Is It Illegal To Put Fender Logos On A Squier,


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